Edició 2094

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dissabte, 20 de abril del 2024
Edició 2094

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dissabte, 20 de abril del 2024

ANC London: “Catalan expats’ effort for the independence”


- Publicitat -

Today we suggest you to read the interview to Carmina Munté, Lluís Díaz-Guerra and Mia Albertí, members of ANC England and, as their colleagues in London, they work on the V-shaped demonstration to be held in the UK capital this Saturday at Greenwich Park. The event is one of the 80 international replicas of the V in Barcelona that so far are programmed.

The foreign assemblies' role is essential to spread the Catalan claim and it's interesting to find out about how Catalan expats organise themselves to have their say. The challenge, though, is not only make it known, but to persuade the international community. The foreign assemblies could play an incresingly important role in the future.


Read the english version interview in bloc Oriols
Read the english and catalans version in Directe!cat



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